Sunday, January 15, 2012

One of Many...Geocaching adventures

As some of you know, I geocache. For those of you who don't know, it is a treasure hunt game using handheld GPSs. Want more? Check out
Anywho. Since I started back in 2006, I have had many adventures. From hiking some great areas, to getting vehicles stuck, to making epic memories.
One of the most recent was towards the beginning of this year (2011). Knapaholic & I decided to head south. We wanted some new scenery and a couple of new states. Plus we were on a mission to get him his Platinum Earthcache.
We started out super early (3 or 4a.m.). Instead of heading right out, we ended up going the opposite direction just to get an early morning FTF. Yeah, we are messed up. Still, we got the FTF and then headed the way we needed to go.
Our trip was to take us through Altoona PA to Maryland and West Virginia. On our way to Altoona, we stopped to get a missing cache we tried for on our annual Thanksgiving cache run. Instead of logging a DNF, we replaced the cache with our names on the log and went about our way.
Nothing too exciting for the rest of the time spent in PA. I drove, he slept a little. When we hit the Maryland border, that is when the excitement started.
For starters, we had planned on using our smart phones all day to log caches. That was quickly changed as soon as we hit MD. See, there is no 3G in the particular area where we were gonna be caching. The funniest part was as soon as you hit the border, 3G goes 0G. It was almost like there was a barrier of some sort. We were both devastated.
Out come the handheld GPSs.
We drove around a bit and got a few caches, then went and did the Earthcache so Knap would be Platinum level. After that we ran around some more caching and looking for Food Lion grocery stores. I wanted some John Boy & Billy sweet tea. The sweet tea was a no go, and I was not happy. Oh well, caches to be found. One of the many scenic places we stopped was an old toll both. While there and reading the signs I actually spotted on the sign "Chariot". Of course I laughed and had to have a pic of it.
Pointing out the "Chariot"

We continued the day caching and ended up at a and old Civil War cemetery. It was very cool. And what made it cooler was that it was near one of the old canal locks for the area. It was very neat and I spent a little time taking some pics.
The Canal Lock.

After finding 16 caches in MD, we had gotten a little bored and decided to head to West Virginia. That became an adventure alone.
We had to drive quite a ways to find a way over. Between the 2 states is a river. And we needed to cross it. There were only 3 bridges in the area that we could use. And of course the closest one was a low water bridge. Yeah, what does that mean. It either meant the water has to be low to cross, or the bridge is low to the water. Actually to me, it meant both, seeing as the water was about 2 feet above the bridge and there was a lot of branches and trees piled up against this bridge. And of course you have to pay to go on this bridge. Seriously? The best part was we pulled up to the little toll booth and the lady inside shoves a wooden cup on a stick out the window for us to put the money in. I about lost it. I asked her how much and in the best southern voice I get "Fifteh cents" and there wasnt a tooth to be found in her mouth. By this time I am shaking trying not to laugh. To this day I really wish I would have taken her picture. Anyway...we pay the nice lady and start across the bridge. Mind you, I am scared to death of this thing. It is not a normal bridge. It is all wood plank and does not look safe. I want to get across as fast as possible, but since there are no guard rail and it is only wide enough for the car, I dont wanna wreck on it either. I will say, it was a white knuckle drive the whole way across.
Low water bridge crossing.
Once we were across the caching resumed. With WV there was lots, and I mean lots of driving. It just seemed like the caches were few and far between for the area we were in. We did however have lots of beautiful scenery to look at as we drove around the hillsides.
Iron Furnace in WV

 After spending some in WV and getting only 6 caches with a few DNFs, we decided on the fly to head to Winchester, Virginia. On the way we decided to stop and get a cache at a gas station. While heading to the cache, we noticed a cop sitting in the median watching the other lanes. I made the comment to Knap to remember where that cop was because we had to go the other way to get to VA. Once we got the cache we headed back the way we came. While driving along, about a mile or so before the cop, a black car, not sure if it was a BMW, Mercedies, or what came speeding up behind me. I started to giggle. Mentioned it to Knap and we both started to laugh, because just over the next rise was that cop. I kept the car at 55 and watched the car speeding up on me. Just as we cleared the rise the car passed us, and right there was the cop. We both busted out laughing and watched the speeding car get pulled over. Wish we would have had the camera out for that. It was a riot.
As soon as we hit Winchester, we decided we needed to get some food. After a short search and driving around, we found a CiCi's Pizza. Not or best choice, but it was food and did give us a break. After eating, we tried to find a spot with wifi so I could update my GPS, which McDonald's is a good spot for that, if you can get the laptop working right. After getting an update, we drove back and forth just caching up a storm. We must have seen the local WalMart at least 7 times. Including the time we stopped in to get some Red Line drinks. This stuff is jet fuel laced with cocain, but it sure does wake you up. By this time it is about 10 or 11 at night. We continued caching all over, laughing, and having a great time. But about midnight, I was wearing thin, and was ready to head home. After finding a couple more, we both decided it was time to head out and make our way back. We dead headed back up into PA and ended up in Bellefont and getting a cache there before heading to DuBois. We ended up pulling into my drive about 3am or so, really don't remember.
It was a heck of a trip, one we will never forget. I am sure I left out a few details and things that escaped me, so I apologize.
It has been decided that we want to try and do something like this every year. It makes for fun times and great stories. Where we head next, who knows. But I am sure it will be something we don't forget.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Some more about me...continued

The long awaited
I am married to the greatest person in the world. Heather & I have been together since March 10, 1996. We decided to get married March 10, 2006. She has been the best thing that has ever happened to me. I wouldn't trade her for anything in the world. We met at Jeff Tech where we both went to school and from there it has been great. Thanks to our friends on getting us together.

We have two furkids (dogs), Chianna & Samantha. Chianna is a big German Shepherd and Samantha is Terrier/Schnauzer. We love them so much and Heather spoils them all the time.

As I said before I used to be into ATVing, a lot. Went to tons of poker/dice runs. Used to do quite a bit of trail riding. In the past few years that has stopped. Mainly because it does cost quite a bit to haul the ATV and then ride. Plus most of the poker & dice runs have stopped too. Sometimes I really miss it. I ride a 2006 Yamaha Kodiak on steroids. I have this thing decked out. It has a 2inch lift kit with 2inch bigger tires. Makes playing in the mud more fun.

I also ride motorcycle. Not as much as I would like, but I do ride. I love how free ya feel on a bike. I have a 2009 Yamaha V-Star Custom 650. Nothing like the open road.

Well that is pretty much it for me. I am sure though I have missed something. Don't worry, I will think of it and type out another one of these.

Friday, November 4, 2011

End of the Season

October 22nd marked the end of a season for us. Camping season is done. We spent the weekend just chilling at our camper and trying to enjoy our last campfires. Though it was a little cold Friday night, Saturday night was a little better, but not by much. The fire made it bearable. We cooked mountain pies over the fire and just sat and listened to the night time sounds. Sunday we spent cleaning up and putting stuff away and getting the camper winterized for the on coming cold months.
Through out the summer we have made some great friends camping and have some awesome neighbors at the campground. We have had some great times there and are excited to return in the spring.
Now I know some say that we are not "camping" cause that would involve the middle of nowhere in a tent. Well, I have been there and done that and enjoyed it a lot. My wife though, not so much. But she does love camping so we got the camper. The nice part is if it rains we can either sit under the awning or go inside.
So here I sit, waiting impatiently for spring to get here.

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Life is busy

No I have not forgotten about my blog. I do know it has been awhile since I have posted anything. I have been super busy the past few weeks. Between working lots of overtime, camping, working on the recumbent and a little caching, it has been hectic. So here is a small run down of everything that I have been up to. Aug 12-14 I spent the weekend at the camper. That Saturday I entered the Mega Rock Smokin cook off. I made ribs, which turned out awesome in my opinion, but it just wasn't good enough as the judges did not think they turned out better than the winner. Still, in my mind, I won cause I got to eat some great tasting ribs. And my neighbors at the campground also thought they were great. I still had fun though and had never entered a competion like that.
The week before that and the week following I work on my recumbent (The Chariot) so I could take it for my wife and I's long camp trip. So Aug 18-22 we spent the weekend at our camper. Drove to Tionesta for the Indian festival, went tubing down the Clarion River, watched a couple of severe thunderstoms roll through,  and event went horse back riding with a friend. I tested out the Chariot which I found a couple of flaws. Got those fixed the next week and all is good now. The weekend of Aug 26-28 Heather and I spent some time together. We went shopping and just hung out. I took the Chariot for a ride and enjoyed it. Sunday I went caching, which I have not done in almost 2 months. It felt great. Went to Altoona with my caching partners Geoff & Sue. We had a blast and it was a pretty good day for it.
So there ya have it. Yeah I have been busy. No I have not forgotten about finishing the About me blog. At least I have been busy and not bored.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

A little about me I guess

First off my real name is Chuck. I got the nickname Sparticus from a friend at work. Just one day he started calling me that for no reason. At first it was not that interesting to me. But as time went on it did grow on me. At the time I was just getting into ATV riding. The forums I belonged to I went by ChesterD. But I soon realized that my new nickname just sounded better. Towards the end of 2006 I started Geocaching. I needed a username. And decided Sparticus would be it. Since that name was already taken I had to find something else. I figured since I started ATVing and Geocaching and got married in 2006 that 06 would work just fine. Through out the past few years it has taken off to be something I enjoy having as a nickname. Because of geocaching, Sparticus has taken on a new whole identity. It has brought me out of my shell. Back in school I was quiet and kept to my self. I did not have many friends and did not belong to any of the crowds. I was almost a loner, except for the few friends I did have. While in school I loved to draw. I am no artist by any means. I drew a badass looking sword and later a shield to go with it. Shortly after I started caching that image fell into place as my signature image.
Recently I started kayaking. The day I bought my kayak I decided it would be known as the S.S. Chariot. My friends laughed but all with me. I am not a swimmer and at times am still afraid of the water. I sink like a rock. But being out on a river in the kayak has slowly been helping me over that fear. I love to float and enjoy the scenery I get to see.
Back in 2010 I saw a pic of a recumbent bicycle and loved what I saw. After much research I knew buying one would be out of the question. A little more searching and I found a site that had plans on how to build your own. I decided to buy these plans and give it a try. Since I have taught my self to weld and have gotten decent at it. Today it is almost in it's finishing stage and then I can ride it. I can no longer ride a regular 2 wheeled upright because of the pain it causes me at times. With the recumbent it is a less painful ride and I feel will be more enjoyable.
I love to weld and have been trying to get better at it. I have built 2 ATV trailers and a few other odds and ends. I could never do it as a job though. It just would not be fun anymore.
I have started to read books again. Mainly into fantasy and sci fi books. I used to love reading Stephen King, but started to shy away from it as I felt that I needed some more than horror. I picked up Eragon one day and from there it has grown to reading the Dresden Files (Jim Butcher) and others alike. I am in no means a speed reader though, but that makes the books more enjoyable. I get into what I am reading, picturing everything that is going on. With my imagination it is not hard.

I think for now I will stop here. But I will have more soon. There is more to me that I want to write about but I feel sorry for you and will cut you a break.
To be continued...

Sunday, July 31, 2011

This is actually hard...

Through out the week I was trying to think of what I would like to do for my next blog. At first I was going to doing something about Midwest Geobash. But as the week went on I decided I couldn't go and ended up working the weekend. So with that I had to find something new. I had even thought about writing about something that could happen while out geocaching this weekend. But plans changed and I did not go out caching. I came to realize that trying to keep you, the reader, entertained or intrigued is going to take some work.
So now what?
I will have to do something thinking. But I am also looking for ideas. What do you look for in other's blogs? Knowing me, what would you like to see from me?
Email me @ or just comment below.
As time goes on, I promise, it will get better and there will be more than this dribble.

Monday, July 25, 2011

New to this

I have read several blogs of friends, but never had the urge to have my own. But after reading some great things I have decided to give it a shot. At first I never understood what a blog what. Heck, I still don't. But I don't think that will matter as I will just wing it and hope for the best. So, this will be my first post. Yeah I know, kinda lame, but just give me time and I am sure I can deliver something, whether it is interesting or just pure nonsense. I mean, if you are reading this now, it means I may have caught your attention and you are now intrigued as to what comes next. Well please keep checking back, subscribe, stalk me and see.